Norm and Marthalee (former Tranzac manager)
at Norm's Open Stage Anniversay Oct 2000

Norm at Mariposa in the City 2000

Lloyd Landa at Norm's Living Room

Norm with Michael Laderoute
and Marianne Girard

Ron Nigrini at The Tranzac

Eddie Baltimore (Hutchison) 1949-2004
Photo January 25, 2004

Mikel Miller of Whitehorse, Yukon
Norm's 2003 birthday open stage feature

Norm in concert at Winterfolk II
February 1, 2004

Norm at his 2003 birthday open stage
click here
for 1280x960 jpg (351k)

At Mel Lastman Square June 28, 2003
Peace, Love and Folksongs Festival
click here
for 855x823 jpg (251k)

Norm from Skysongs CD cover
click here
for 1095x1114 jpg (159k)
(.eps original available on request, 335k)