PAST EVENTS 2005 AT A GLANCE - details follow
Monday December 19, 2005 - Concert
and CD Release!!
"I Am the Night" - Norm's
NEW Poetry & Prose CD
8:30 p.m. - pwyc - Renaissance Cafe, Toronto
Monday December 12, 2005 - guest
set at
Linda Stitt's poetry CD Release
8 p.m. - The Brownstone Bistro & Bar - 603 Yonge, Toronto
Sunday September 25, 2005 - Word
on the Street, Toronto
11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. - Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy
[ at Queen's Park - Norm's performance 2:30 - 3:00 pm - corrected
time ]
Friday September 9, 2005 - 8:30
pm - A Celebration of Pat Logier
Renaissance Cafe, Toronto
Thursday June 30, 2005
Norm is the feature at Dr. B's acoustic open stage
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 8 pm
An Evening of Poetry and Song
Linda Stitt and Joe Fromstein and Norm Hacking
Renaissance Cafe, Toronto
Friday May 27, 2005 - 7:30 pm
Fat Albert's open stage benefit concert and CD release
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 7:30 pm -
Iridescent Music Spring Fest
Sunday May 1, 2005 - 7 pm
Free Times Cafe, Toronto - Socialist Action May Day Celebration
When Cats Go Wrong - the book!!
April 1, 2005 - Available in U.S.
Widely available in Canada since October 2004
Cynthia Nugent illustrates Norm's song - includes CD single
Winterfolk III - February 4-6, 2005
Indoor festival - 7 stages / 6 venues - Danforth and Broadview, Toronto
Norm appears February 4 (Friday) and 6 (Sunday) - great line-up!!
Monday December 19, 2005 - 8:30
- Concert and CD Release!!
"I Am the Night"
Norm's new Poetry & Prose CD
presented by The Renaissance Cafe and Irisdescent Music
1938 Danforth Ave., Toronto, 416 422-1441
(1+ block west of Woodbine, on subway line)
Friendly - Licenced - Yummy Affordable Food (menu on-line)

Admission - pwyc / pass the hat
This is a concert with a few special guests, and not an open stage.
Norm likes to get together with friends and fans around at this time
of the year,
but it's not a concert of Christmas songs (expect one or two of Norm's).
It IS a special evening celebrating the release of
"I AM THE NIGHT" - Norm's NEW Poetry and Prose CD!
33 selections recorded at Iridescent
Music studio
with the generous help and studio time donated by Executive Producer
Phil Ball
and the talent of Recording Engineer Charlie Agnello.
See the full CD description
Order the CD from Iridescent
Music NOW if you can't attend.
Reminder: Renaissance has a counter-top store with Norm's
(and other) CDs.
available any time the Cafe is open; all sales proceeds go to the artist.
Monday December 12, 2005 - guest
set at
Linda Stitt's poetry CD Release
8 p.m. - The Brownstone Bistro & Bar
603 Yonge (2 blocks north of Wellesley subway), Toronto
Stitt is releasing her debut CD Can You Hear Me Now?
Linda will be reading her poetry, gently accompanied by Brian
guitarist who composed and performs the music on the CD.
The evening also includes a music set by Norm Hacking and
two instrumental sets by duo Brian Gauci and Michael Fonfara.
Linda's CD was recorded at the Iridescent Music studio and is available
Sunday September 25, 2005 - Word
on the Street, Toronto
11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. - Enbridge Gas Distribution Literacy Tent
Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy
Queen's Park and Queen's Park Crescent
[ Norm's performance 2:30 - 3:00 pm - corrected time ]
Literacy supporters and poetry lovers are invited to participate! Memorize
your favourite poem, collect pledges on behalf of MTML or an affiliated
literacy program, and then come to the Enbridge Gas Distribution Literacy
Tent to recite your poem onstage. NEW (Sept 20) - map
of Literacy Tent location (in the north part of Queen's Park; map
is 96kb jpg; there are more booths than shown).
Not interested in reciting yourself? Come delight your ears with recitations
from literacy learners, poetry enthusiasts and these published poets:
Seth-Adrian Harris, Sheila Stewart and Linda Stitt.
Or, take time and relax to the folk-inspired sounds of singer/songwriters
Claire Jenkins, Norm Hacking and Andrea England.
Norm will include both songs and poems at 2:30 p.m. Yes, performers
will be selling their CDs / books.
Children are invited to stop by and play Hook-a-Book, a
fun fishing game that requires children to reel in a book and read a
short verse to receive a prize.
All proceeds will benefit local adult literacy organizations. For more
information or to participate in the Poetry Challenge, please call MTML
at (416) 961-4013 or visit their website at
As booklovers know, The
Word On The Street is a free public marketplace of book and
magazine publishers, booksellers, and cultural exhibitors in Toronto,
Halifax, Kitchener, Calgary and Vancouver. Last years 15th anniversary
Toronto festival moved to Queen's Park - with more than 270 exhibitors
and over 200,000 visitors! Lots of fun!
Food is available on site (expanded from 2004).
The closest subway stops are Museum or Queen's Park on the University-Spadina
Friday September 9, 2005 - 8:30
pm - A Celebration of Pat Logier
Cafe, 416 422-1441
1938 Danforth Ave (1 block west of Woodbine subway
Friendly - Licenced - Food available (menu on-line)
Norm joins a number of special guests in an evening celebrating the
music of Patrick Shelley Logier, who died in 1996. A wizard on
guitar and almost equally adept on piano, banjo, pennywhistle and half
a dozen other instruments, Pat wrote hundreds of songs and saw one of
them, "If I Knew Just What to Say," turned into a single by
Roger Whittaker. But his work is not nearly as well known as it should
In addition to Steve
Paul Simms, who organized the evening, and Norm Hacking,
other performers include
Kim Boyce, Annette Dillon, Geoff and Nina, Marianne Girard, Glenna Green,
Donna Marie Haslehurst, Blair Heddle,
Maurice Laframboise, Jim Layeux, Rob Minderman,
Rachel Page and Thomas Handy, Gary 17, Julie Snider and Vox Violins.
And probably more.
Thursday June 30, 2005
Norm features at Dr. B's acoustic open stage
1938 Danforth Ave., Toronto
(1 block west of Woodbine, on subway line)
Times: 7:30 pm - songwriter sign-up
8 pm - music begins
around 9:30 pm - 30 minute feature performer set (only 1 feature)
Admission - pass the hat - goes to the feature
Series - every Thursday (except holidays)
Organized by Brian Gladstone, with rotating hosts summer 2005
Guest host on June 30 - Steve Raiken
Norm was the first feature for this open stage June 17, 2004
More info on Dr.B's
Summer 2005 Open Stage
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 8 pm start
- $5 at the door
An Evening of Poetry and Song
Linda Stitt - Joe Fromstein - Norm Hacking
Cafe, Toronto 416 422-1441
1938 Danforth Ave (1 block west of Woodbine subway station)
Friendly - Licenced - Food available (menu on-line)
Poets Linda Stitt and Joe Fromstein
will read poems from their new book
LOVEPLAY: A Conversation in Rhyme
a lively exchange in verse of humorous and wise views of love.
For bios and info on the book:
Norm Hacking will perform both songs and poems,
including trading poems with Linda Stitt, a highlight of their 2004
Stitt has published many books of her popular poetry
View or print the June
15 flyer - design
by p.j.stitt
Friday May 27, 2005 - 7:30 pm
Fat Albert's open stage benefit concert and CD release
$10 at the door / $8 in advance / cash bar
at Fat Albert's open stage home (Wednesdays)
The Steelworkers' Hall
25 Cecil St (one block south of College and east of Spadina)
Norm Hacking is one of many celebrating Fat Albert's open stage in
this benefit
Norm's performance of "Crazy for Love" appears on
Darn Folksingers Vol. 2
one of two CD-Rs from tapes off the soundboard over the years -
the sound is good and you feel you're in the room.
See more on Fat
Albert's open stage - since 1967!!
Especially details
of the May 27 concert including the performer list
and the two Darn
Folksinger CDs with detailed track lists
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 7:30 pm -
Iridescent Music Spring Fest
on the Queensway
1184 The Queensway (between Islington and Kipling)
no cover - sponsored by Molson Canada
Norm will be accompanied by Michael Laderoute,
who will also perform a couple of his own original songs.
They contribute short sets to an evening of
some of Canada's finest professional musicians
assembled under one roof on one night!!
Master of Ceremonies - Chuck Jackson
House Band (much of the evening - to be joined by other musicians):
Pat Carey * Jimmy Casson * Michael Fonfara
Steve Grisbrook * Garth Vogan
details at Iridescent Music
Sunday May 1, 2005 - 7 pm
19th Annual Socialist Action May Day Celebration
Free Times Cafe (Toronto)
320 College St. (2 blocks west of Spadina) 416 967-1078
$10 waged, $5 non-waged or pay what you can
Norm Hacking, brilliant veteran
composer and singer-guitarist
Bill Heffernan, activist, teacher and song smith
Glen Hornblast, folk singer on the social justice scene
Michael Laderoute, amazing guitarist and soulful singer
Mad Love, three sisters in soft bluegrass harmony
Linda Saslove, rising star singer-songwriter
John Clarke, Organizer, Ontario Coalition
Against Poverty
Gerry Foley, International editor, Socialist
Action newspaper based in San Francisco
Wendy Forrest, Spokesperson, Socialist Alternative
John Riddell, Co-editor, Socialist Voice
Emily Tang, Spokesperson, Metropolitan Hotel
Workers Committee, UNITE-HERE
Barry Weisleder, Substitute teachers organizer
& spokesperson, Socialist Action
Elizabeth Byce, federal Treasurer, NDP Socialist
Caucus, & member of Toronto Local, CUPE
Sponsored by Socialist Action
Event endorsed by Ontario Coalition Against Poverty,
NDP Socialist Caucus,
Socialist Voice and Socialist Alternative.
When Cats Go Wrong - the book!!
Available in U.S. on APRIL 1, 2005
Widely available in Canada since October 2004!
Cynthia Nugent illustrates Norm's song - includes CD single
This book with CD single appeals to all kids age 5 to 100+

When Cats Go Wrong
By Norm Hacking - Illustrated by Cynthia Nugent
Published by Raincoast
Books (ISBN 1-55192-729-2)
Norm's popular song is now an illustrated book
that includes a CD single!!
When Cats Go Wrong lyrics are
a litany of kitty mischief set to tango music
by Norm Hacking from the popular
Orange Cats
CD by Norm Hacking & Kirk
Cynthia Nugent is a well-known Vancouver-based illustrator.
For more, see Norm's page on the book
- includes link to mp3 -
and Cynthia
Nugent's web page
In Canada - ask booksellers to order from Raincoast if not in stock
In U.S. - ask booksellers to order through Publishers Group West
Update: Congratulations to festival organizers and participants
an excellent festival and increased attendance.
Photos from the festival are now at
WINTERFOLK III - Blues and Roots
Friday to Sunday February 4 - 6, 2005
Friday 7 pm - 1 am /// Saturday 2 pm - 1 am /// Sunday 2 - 7 pm
indoor festival -- all ages this year (includes kids)
7 stages / 6 clubs - Danforth & Broadview, Toronto
Near Broadview subway station on Bloor / Danforth line OR park east
of Broadview
full performer list and schedule available at
Norm performs:
1) Friday Feb 4 - 11pm-midnight
Norm in concert - accompanied by Michael Laderoute (guitar)
Black Swan ground floor, 154 Danforth (N side, just E of Broadview)
2) Sunday Feb 6 - 2 - 4 pm - host as songwriters talk about &
perform songs:
Hour 1: Greg Quill,
Kim Beggs, Mikel
Hour 2: Greg Hobbs,
Ray Materick,
Hammond, Bill
Stanley's, 129 Danforth (S side, just E of Broadview)
3) Sunday Feb 6 - 5 - 6 pm
Norm in concert - accompanied by Michael Laderoute (guitar)
Dora Keogh,
141 Danforth (S side, near Stanley's)
NOTE - this is the most kid-friendly of Norm's Winterfolk concerts
For full schedule and performer descriptions links:
$40 / weekend --- and (subject to availability at the door) $20 /
kids under 12 FREE (maximum 2 per paying adult)
Advance weekend tickets from
416 870-8000 (fee charged)
or for no-fee purchase, drop by
Renaissance Cafe, 1938 Danforth Ave (near Woodbine), 416 422
The Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave., 416 469 0537
The Old Nick, 123 Danforth Ave, 416 461 5546
The Willow Restaurant, 193 Danforth Ave, 416 469 5315
Tickets at the door from the last 3 above, plus
Allen's 143 Danforth - 416 463 3086
Dora Keogh 141 Danforth - 416 778 1804
Stanley's Sports & Entertainment Lounge 129 Danforth - 416
462 3373
Wheelchair access:
Yes, but not washrooms: Allen's, Black Swan (main floor), Stanley's
Yes: Dora Keogh
No: Old Nick, The Willow, Black Swan (2nd floor)
See also
Past Events in 2007 / in 2006
// in 2004 / in
2003 / in 2002
Open stage series (both ended):
Norm's Living Room at Silver Dollar Room
Norm at The Tranzac (1999-2001)