A Day in the Studio
Norm Hacking
solo cassette tape (1993; not currently available)
Some albums take a
year and 5 months to do and some take one day. Canadian songwriter
Norm Hacking received a day in a studio for some freebie consulting
I sat on a stool
with my guitar and played a bunch of songs that I considered would
be a work tape. Four hours later it was an album.

Photo by Lisa
(not the cassette cover) |
Norm's manager at the time, Scott
Richards, thought that the solo tape was so good it was packaged
and made available to the public. Some fans still consider this
solo performance collector's item their favourite Hacking album.
It shows that his songs, lovely with the type of accompaniment on
his other albums, remain strong and retain the listener's attention
in solo performance.
All songs are by Norm Hacking.
Click on song title for LYRICS
1. Baby, You Left Nothin' 4:28
2. Love at the Free Times Cafe 4:27
3. Lies Run Out of Time 3:36
4. Home (Is Where the Heart Is) 4:00
5. How Can I Hold You 4:22
6. Reason to Love 3:13
7. Maisie 3:17
8. Cara 3:56
9. Case for the Defense of Love 3:31
10. Lion Heart 2:17
11. This One's the Dreamer 2:42
12. Young Girls 3:38
13. Cats Everywhere 2:12
14. Cambridge Lady 2:08 |
total time: 48:17
Many of the songs were later included on or re-recorded for albums that
are available:
on Orange Cats (with
Kirk Elliott): 11, 13
on Skysongs: 2, 13
on The Ache (upcoming): 1,
6, 8
Available on Concert for the Angels
(various artists): 5
Recorded by other artists and included on One
Voice (Tribute) album: 2 (Glen Hornblast), 3 (Jory Nash),
6 (Marianne Girard), 11 (Rick Fielding)
Return to Top
Back to Norm's Discography Overview
or link directly to details of each album:
Orange Cats / One
Voice (tribute) / Skysongs / The
Ache /
A Day in the Studio / Stubborn Ghost /
Cut Roses / Norm
Hacking Live
See also Norm's songs recorded by others
Updated September 20, 2004